Data Controller Vincom OÜ
Viljandi county, Põhja-Sakala parish,
Kõidama village, Olustvere tee 17, 71504, Estonia
Personal data are data that we collect in order to provide our services, identify a person and contact a person to provide a service or settle disputes. We do not process sensitive personal data as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation i.e. GDPR or EU Regulation No 2016/679).
Chief processor is an individual or legal entity, public sector institution, authority or any other body that determines the purposes and means of personal data processing.
Authorised processor is an individual or legal entity public sector institution, authority or any other body that processes personal data on behalf of the chief processor.
Personal data are any information on an individual identified or to be identified (hereinafter referred to as ‘data subject’); an individual to be identified is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, primarily based on such identification feature as name, personal identification code, location data, network identifier, or based on one or several physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social characteristics of such individual
Processing of personal data – an automated or unautomated act or a collection of acts performed on the personal data or collection thereof, such as collection, documenting, arranging, structuring, storing, adjusting and modifying, performing queries, reading, using, publishing through sending, disseminating or making available in any other manner, matching or combining, limiting, deleting or destroying.
Cookies are small text files that the website is storing in your computer or smart device when you are visiting our website. It allows storing information on preferences, so that you do not have to make choices again when you visit this page or browse pages.
Which data do we collect and for which purposes?
Vincom OÜ collects the following data:
Email address
If you wish to obtain more information on a service via our homepage, we collect and process the following personal data – your name and email address. Queries can be submitted by sending an email to To prepare the offer, we also use the company’s data from the credit info query.
The legal basis for such processing of personal data is processing of personal data for performing of a contract concluded with the participation of the data subject or taking measures prior to the conclusion of the contract according to the data subject’s application (GDPR Art 6(1)(b)).
Website browsing statistics
Upon visiting the websites, non-personalised technical data is collected on the visitor.
The technical data are limited to the internet address (IP address) of the used computer or computer network, software version of the computer’s web browser and operating system, time (time, date, year) and location of the visit. IP addresses are not connected to the information that identifies an individual.
We used automated tool Google Analytics to collect the abovementioned data. If you do not wish to give this information on yourself, you can prohibit collection of your data by Google Analytics as described herein.
Our websites use cookies to improve the quality of the services we provide. We use session cookies, persistent cookies and third-party cookies (Google Analytics, Facebook).
To remember your preferences, such as language, colour contrasts or font size. To remember whether you have (or have not) accepted our cookies on this page. To collect reliable information about the page's traffic, which allows us to measure how well the page is meeting users' needs and to make possible improvements. Allowing cookies is not strictly necessary for the basic functionality of the website, but it does provide a better browsing experience. You can always delete or block cookies if you wish, but doing so may prevent some features of the website from working as intended.
Please note that some cookies come from a third-party service provider who performs some of these functions on our behalf. The information associated with cookies is not used to identify you and the data collected is under our control. Cookies will not be used for any purpose other than as described above.
How long do we store data?
Non-personalised technical data collected on the website are stored without term.
We will retain personal and customer data for as long as necessary to: 1) Provide you with services and information 2) Communicate with you about requests you have made 3) Ensure you exercise your choices and rights.
Sharing of personal data
We may make your personal data, customer data or business data available for companies that are offering services that support our business activities, such as website analysts or customer service providers. These companies are authorised to use personal data, customer data or business data only to provide services to us. When selecting service providers, we observe that the service provider would be in the European Economic Area.
We share your personal data, customer data or business data to third persons only in the manner described in the privacy notice. We do not sell your personal data to third parties.
In certain cases, you have the right to request limiting of the processing of your personal data and the right to submit objections on the processing of your personal data.
If you find that your privacy has been violated, please contact the chief data processor. You also have the right to submit a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority of the country of your permanent residence.
Withdrawal of the consent given for processing of personal data
If you wish to be forgotten, please let us know by writing to Upon request, we will remove the information related to your query(s) from our systems.
© Vincom OÜ | Olustvere tee 17, 71504 Kõidama, Estonia | | Privacy Policy
We use cookies to offer you the best possible user experience. By using our website, you agree to our terms and privacy policy.